Get University Credit for Curriculum Planning Over the Summer or Attending ISTE!

By a show of hands . . . How many of you plan during the summer for the new school year? Research new tech tools? Learn a new curriculum? Are attending ISTE 2016 in Denver? Did you know that you can receive credit for all of that?

Okay . . . it takes more than just pinning classroom ideas on pinterest, but Dominican University of California believes that planning and preparing for the new school year is the most powerful professional development that a teacher can receive, and they give teachers in EVERY state the opportunity to earn 2 - 6 University credits for it! It's true!

Their EDUX 9930 course allows you to create a goal based on your Teacher To-Do list for the summer and log the hours you spend toward that goal. You have until June 30th to register for summer 2016, so t]here is a little time left! Click here to see the course requirements

They also allow you to earn 1 - 3 credits for attending the ISTE conference! Are you attending this year? I can't wait! I'm attending with a group of 9 people from my school! I'm excited to see how this  conference will impact our teaching! Click here to see the credit requirements for attending the ISTE 2016 conference. You have until July 15th to complete these requirements.

I started an ISTE 2016 pinterest board, and I'd love to collaborate on it! Please feel free to add a comment with your email to this post, and I'll add you as a collaborator so we can share our learning.

Happy Summer Professional Development!